Thursday, August 11, 2005

Cleaning bug!

I've caught a cleaning bug! My kids are not thrilled, but I'm really wanting to get a few things done before school starts. After all the 4-H chaos, I am trying to catch up. So far I've cleaned out 3 closets, the boys' room, started on my room, the video cabinet downstairs, and re-arranged all of our bookcases. Whew! It feels good to clean out the cobwebs a bit!

Finished my summer classes this week--kind of a relief. I'm looking forward to a break. Just one more concert tonight and my summer responsibilities are complete.
Max is having fun collecting aluminum cans to earn money. He is so funny about wanting to earn money all the time. He'll probably be a millionaire someday. Also, I told the kids that if they helped me with the cleaning and setting up a garage sale next week, that I would let them keep the money we earn. So, they're highly motivated to help out. A good fundraiser for them. :)

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