Friday, May 25, 2007

almost the big day

Trevor's home. Hallelujah! WE missed him! This afternoon is our pre-signing for the closing, tomorrow we load the truck, which means today is the final packing frenzy. That means I shouldn't be here typing this blog when I have so much work to be done. Next blog entry will be from Utah! I can't believe we've made it this far in the whole process. Starting our own business and moving at the same time has been something akin to climbing Mt. Everest--definitely a one step at a time deal. When we get to Utah, the climb will be far from over, but we'll definitely be into the next phase.

Sunday, May 20, 2007


We are officially in chaos! We had a yard sale yesterday. Always have to wonder if they are really worth all the extra work. Emily helped me a lot--stayed up late to help me do the pricing, and then manned the money all morning out in the sun. We made $100--maybe $130 if the people who were interested in the entertainment center call back.
Max had his cub scout pack meeting last night and earned a bead toward his Bear award. The kids had fun playing at the Cluff family's acreage. Max and Sam went zipping down this giant hill on their bikes with absolutely no fear. Br. Daniel showed the boys a frozen copperhead snake that he had killed. The point was to show them what to stay away from and he tied it into a scripture lesson. But then, he skinned the thing, and they iced the snake meat to serve at the next Boy scout dinner. Ugh!

Trevor is so swamped. I wish I could help him more. Meanwhile, in less than a week we'll be leaving. I'm working hard on the packing now. The kids are out of school on Thursday. We pick up Trevor from the airport that evening. I'm praying that all will go well with house sale, etc.

Ginny's quote of the day...."Mom, my toot-thingy won't stop tooting!" Makes me wonder what she ate yesterday!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Happy Birthday Emily!

Emily is 12 years old today! How did this happen? 12 is a big landmark for her because she will join the young women at church. She's nervous about it, but will love it once she is in there. We'll have a family dinner tonight. She picked macaroni and cheese with angel food cake and strawberries for dessert. Easy! She's easy to please. Tomorrow night she is having her friends over for a slumber party.

Last night Max did a great job in his school talent show. He played Sakura, Sakura on the trumpet. He says he wasn't nervous, and he really did well. The talent show itself was something of a marathon--2 1/2 hours. Way too long. Sam and Ginny did great for the first hour and a half, and then we were walking the halls. But, I was proud of Max. I think he was proud of himself, too.

I've got to get packing!!!!!

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Emily's 4H photos

Here are a few of the photos we took at the nature reserve. Emily has a really good eye for artistic photos. The tadpole is underwater. It was so fun to see all the tadpoles that day. Hundreds of them darting all around in the water. I've never seen so many in one place. My favorite is of the purple wildflower with the sunlight forming a spotlight.

Emily's Missouri school friends

Emily and her friends from school at the Beta Club honor society induction night.
Emily, Adreanne, Kimberly, Katie, and Katrina. A very nice and intelligent group of girls

Park Day

Emily took these photos of her sibling to amuse herself one day at the park. Sam and Max were having a good time playing tennis, and Ginny was playing monkey.

Max's Wolf Badge

Max getting his wolf badge at the blue and gold banquet.
He worked really hard in the final weeks to finish up the last few requirements.
Max with his friend Sam Cluff and Floris Cluff, his den leader

Saturday, May 05, 2007