Thursday, May 10, 2007

Happy Birthday Emily!

Emily is 12 years old today! How did this happen? 12 is a big landmark for her because she will join the young women at church. She's nervous about it, but will love it once she is in there. We'll have a family dinner tonight. She picked macaroni and cheese with angel food cake and strawberries for dessert. Easy! She's easy to please. Tomorrow night she is having her friends over for a slumber party.

Last night Max did a great job in his school talent show. He played Sakura, Sakura on the trumpet. He says he wasn't nervous, and he really did well. The talent show itself was something of a marathon--2 1/2 hours. Way too long. Sam and Ginny did great for the first hour and a half, and then we were walking the halls. But, I was proud of Max. I think he was proud of himself, too.

I've got to get packing!!!!!

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