Friday, July 20, 2007

Harry Potter mania

Harry Potter Eve. At the park today, some of my friends and I were discussing our predictions for the last book. We were all optimistic about the fates of our favorite characters. I still want to think the best of Snape, and think Dumbledore had some grand plan that we are yet unaware of. WE'll see...soon! Trevor's new shop is inside of a book store, and he has volunteered to help with the Harry Potter Party. They are going all out and have tons of activities, a Hogwarts school laid out in their basement, etc. Trevor is dressing up as Filch, of all the characters.... Anyway, we borrowed a wig for the costume, which needed a little fixing to make it work, and Emily ended up using her hair straightener on it. It was just too hilarious NOT to take a picture. Also, Trevor took a picture of the books the store had received earlier today still in their boxes, all ready to be sold at midnight tonight. We're all going to the party. Should be fun!
p.s. Trevor and I also went to see the new movie last night. We both liked it and thought they did a good job with the editing, etc.
Harry Potter mania! We're currently making a schedule for who gets the book at what time of day, and Max is upset that he is last on the list of readers, but all is not fair in love and Harry Potter.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Today was sooooooo boring! I'm so bored that I'm having some serious empathy for my kids, who are also bored. Not that I didn't cross off many things on my to-do list today....we did. I made a Walmart trip, practiced the flute, worked on some business accounting, helped the kids do chores and practicing, got the laundry folded and put away, etc. So we had stuff to do, but we definitely need a little excitement in our lives. Being new here, we don't really know that many people, and the people we do know have lives and schedules, as opposed to us newbies who are floating around without a schedule (other than work). So....yawn!

And today is definitely a fat and frumpy day. I always give myself a haircut on these days, and today was no exception. Emily was disgusted with me. I'll never be able to grow my hair out. Everyone in the family wants me to grow it out, but I just can't do it.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Ryan's Place Park

The kids and I went to visit a new park called Ryan's Place, which was recently built in a neighboring town in honor of a little boy who died. It was evident that the whole community had really come together to build the playground. There were little plaques everywhere telling about the donors, etc. I got a little teary walking around it thinking about the family who had done this in honor of their son. Anyway, the kids loved the park, and had a great time running and climbing. There were fun make-believe elements as well as just plain good climbing.

Monday, July 02, 2007

OH my heck!

Emily had a great time at girls camp this past week. I think she really got to know a lot of nice kids and had fun with the certifications and crafts, etc.
She said she wanted to come home the first night, but bravely stuck it out and ended up having lots of fun. She came home completely exhausted. Everyone knows these girls don't sleep at camp...then the evening they got home she also attended her first session of baptisms for the dead at the temple. She's really growing up!

Her comment after girls camp, "Mom, why does everyone here say "Oh my heck" all the time? My only response, "Welcome to Utah."

I played in the alumni band concert on the university quad last night. It was fun to reconnect with old musician friends. Always fun to hit the Stars and Stripes on piccolo. One of the fun things about being back in Logan is the musical connection. There will be more playing opportunities here. I've already had a lot of people ask me how many students I'm willing to take.