Friday, April 28, 2006

Garden oops/poops

So last weekend, while Trevor was gone, I decided I would surprise him by digging out sod to plant our garden. I diligently worked and sweated for probably a total of 6 hours over the next few days removing sod. Sure enough, he came home, and was surprised and happy that I had done the worst of the job of starting a garden. Well, the next day, Ginny was happily playing with her little friend (boy) from next door, and I decided I would just add a little bit more to the garden spot, so I started digging. It wasn't very long before I ran into a black cable...yikes! I panicked and remembered I probably should have had buried cables marked BEFORE I started digging. Anyway, I ran in the house, and called the power company, who referred me to Missouri one call, and started checking on this and that. They said they would send some people out to look at the situation. So I get off the phone, and look out the window to check on Ginny and her friend, and see they are both getting off the trampoline....but Ginny has removed her pants and underwear, and her friend is in the process of doing the same thing. I went running out there, hollering for everyone to please put their clothes back on by the time I get to the kids, they are in the sand box, and the little friend is actually spraying a fountain of urine in the air, and all over Ginny, who is laughing hysterically. Double yikes! I scooped up the clothes, to discover the reason why Ginny had removed her pants--she had pooped in them--ick! I managed to get her little friend dressed again, and hauled both kids in the house so I could give Ginny a bath. Good grief!
The garden issue was resolved today by inspection of the power company--it turned out to be an unused phone line. So, we can keep digging.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Other photos

Sam was playing 3 Musketeers. And we're documents Max's shaggy hair. It's the style for the boys to wear their hair longer now, and we've tolerated this for awhile, but it's definitely getting cut before the baptism! He's very depressed about it!

pics of Sam and Ginny

I was trying to take portraits of Sam and Ginny to hang on the wall, but the sun was too bright so they both look a little too squinty, but they still looked cute! I think I'll have to try again for the wall! You should have seen the darling pictures I accidentally deleted from the hoo...still crying over spilled milk!

More sculpture garden photos

Scupture Garden Photos

here are some pictures from our spring break hike throught the Laumeier sculpture gardens. We had a great time!

Dusted Carrot

After several inquisitive responses to the "dusted carrot" color of our kitchen, I finally got around to taking a picture. What that really means is that I had to remember to snap a picture when it was presentable enought to do so...
Also including a snap of the living room paint.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Transportation Museum

On a spur of the moment adventure, my friend Julie Lake and I went to the Transportation Museum today with the kids. I had a coupon for buy one/get one admission, and the kids were all free, so the adventure was even cheap! I love that!
Anyway, the trains were really cool. There were a couple of them that you could go inside, and the kids had fun seeing the airplanes and climbing up into the boat, etc.
I took some pictures and will post them when I get a chance. The best part was just getting out of the house. Lately it seems like even when I spend most of the day cleaning up , it doesn't make a difference because it all gets messed up after school and in the evening anyway. I've got to work on having the kids clean up after themselves better. So today, I left the mess!

Not sure if my music classes will work out for May or not...there was a problem at the printer, so the brochures haven't gone out, so I am doubtful (although still hopeful) about having a decent registration. Too bad! Maybe it will still work out...

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


We had a really nice EAster weekend. Beautiful weather, that was so Hot on Thursday and Friday, then overcast on Saturday, but clear and warm on Sunday. We were able to have a fun egg hunt out in the yard. The kids were out of school for spring break on Thursday and friday, so we went to PUrina Farms to see the baby animals and the dog shows. Then the kids ran through the sprinklers with some friends, and we did some crafts at home. On Friday we did a lot of house cleaning so we would be able to have an outing with Trevor on Saturday. We all went out to the Laumeier sculpture gardens for a lovely hike throught the woods and some fun looking at the interesting sculptures. Some we were able to appreciate more than others...sometimes I wonder what it is that classifies some of these pieces as "art". I could do the same thing, and no one would consider it any great piece of artwork. But others, were really interesting, and cool. Mostly it was just fun to walk throught the woods together. It was also free, which is always a bonus.
We also had a visit from the Easter bunny on Saturday, and dyed some Easter eggs. Trevor and I cleaned our carpets in the Evening. That's a big job that is nice to have behind us. WE wanted to do it before our family visits in a few weeks.
The BIG news on Saturday, was Sandi's telephone call announcing that she is pregnant! Yippee! I am so happy for my baby sister--a first baby is so fun, and they have been so excited waiting to find out if they are expecting. Babies are a blessing. I'm happy for my sister that she is embarking on the greatest adventure of parenthood.

Sunday, I went to conference with just Emily and Max because Sam threw up in the middle of the night. I played the flute with the choir, which turned out nice. Several of the talks were really good, and I felt the spirit quite strongly throughout the meeting, but the best part was just standing to sing the congregational hymns--I know that my Redeemer lives, and He is Risen. As we stood and sang together--everyone in attendance singing out with their whole hearts, I was so moved that I cried...true joy in sharing this moment of worship with my fellow saints. I felt truly that I loved the Lord so much, and felt so much gratitude to share the Easter Sunday with other Latter Day Saints.

We had our friends the Andrews family over for Easter dinner--French dip sandwiches with cheesy potatoes, green beans, and Nana's cherry cake for dessert. Yummy! We all ate too much! Now it's back to my diet! The kids were a lot of fun as they discovered the treasures in their Easter baskets and their Easter eggs in the hunt.
I love having small children to see the world throught their delightful perspective.
How fun!
It was truly a lovely Easter weekend.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Spring Break

Kids were home from school today. We went to Purina Farms to see their Easter display of baby animals. My favorite was the baby chicks. Emily liked the bunnies--so did Ginny. The boys just liked them all. We watched the dog show--saw a dog that could do addition and simple multiplication, as well as dogs that ran obstacle courses and jumped through hoops. It was a fun morning. We came home and decorated our windows for Easter, and then made sand pictures from a craft kit that we got for Christmas. The highlight of the day for the kids was running through the sprinklers and jumping on the trampoline all afternoon with the neighbor kids. Now we're all exhausted from a day in the sun. It was over ninety degrees today--in the middle of April!

Monday, April 10, 2006

Potty training update

I think she's finally getting it! Yippee!! Actually, after the initial yuck, she has been one of my easier kids to potty train. She still occasionally has an accident, but all in all she's getting more and more reliable. Yeah, no more diapers, and my last kid to potty train. Hallelujah!


We had preschool at our house this morning, and though it was a little bit crazy as usual, I think it went pretty well. We're doing the 5 senses, and today we did the sense of hearing. We learned about sound vibrations, and our ears, played instruments, and made an easter craft. The weather was good, so we played outside and had a picnic lunch.
Saturday I had a nice day--I went to the temple early in the morning, and then attended the RS stake service day at the stake center. I made a shopping trip to Aldi, and came home. Then Trevor and I went to a concert for a group called Tempest in the evening. The concert was held at a small theatre that probably only seats 100 people called the Focal Point. The music was great! Folk music from around the world with a great rock beat. We had so much fun! Ticket prices were reasonable too, so I think we'll try to go there again. The group was really interesting because the fiddle player was from California, the mandolin player was from Iceland, the bass player from Austria, the guitar player from Ireland, and the drummer from Cuba. Talk about an eclectic group!

Monday, April 03, 2006

General conference

Yesterday afternoon for the Sunday afternoon session of conference, we called the boys downstairs to come and listen, and they took their time doing so, so we started to wonder what they were doing. Well, when they finally appeared, they were all dressed up in their Sunday suits and ties, and Sam proudly announced, "Now we look like President Hinckley!"

We really enjoyed conference. There were some really good talks about avoiding the pitfalls of the world, and treasuring our families. I loved hearing from Pres. Hinckley, who spoke about his life experiences as a general authority. He talked about his recent surgery for cancer and mentioned that he still has some problems, so it may be that he will not live for too much longer. Although, with his typical wit, he said that we should not regard his talk as an obituary. Still, it was clear that in his own words, he is in the sunset of his life. I can't even imagine the church without pres. Hinckley, because he has been the voice of the church for such a long time--when the previous prophets were sick and unable to speak to the church. But, the Lord prepares a new prophet. We love President Hinckley so much. How blessed we are to be members of the church and have the fullness of the gospel in our lives!