Monday, January 16, 2006


Last night I took Max to a stake baptism fireside for children who will be baptized this year. It was really very nice. The children went to different stations and learned about the Holy Ghost, what it's like to have a bishop's interview, they got to see the baptismal font, and then heard some special stories about baptism and the Holy Ghost. They gave each family some materials for some family home evenings about baptism and the holy ghost. This stake has stake baptism days--and it looks like the one for Max will be May 6th. I guess the church is doing these stake baptisms to simplify. I'll miss the nice personal family/ward baptism that we had for Emily but I can understand about wanting to simplify the demands on priesthood leaders and their families. I asked max afterward if he would like to give a family home evening tomorrow night on the things he learned at the fireside. He thought that sounded like a good idea.
One other funny thing about Max. He got it into his head that he wanted to go to work with Trevor today since there isn't any school for Martin Luther King day. Anyway, we explained that it isn't possible for him to go to work at Daddy's new job, but Max being the tenacious fellow that he is, left a note for us on my pillow. It said, "Dear Mom, I really, really, really want to go to work with Dad so it's either give me $30 or let DAd take me." Didn't work, but it was a nice try.

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