Thursday, February 02, 2006

this and that

Sam and Ginny are so funny playing dragon, princess, knight together. They say, "Dragon!" and run brandishing their swords, ready to fight the dragon. It's pretty funny to watch Ginny run in her little dance costume and SAm in his pajams with red cape and plastic knight helmet.
There's a good possibility that I'll be able to teach classes with Eureka Parks and REc. I had a really good meeting with them yesterday.
We've started painting, and I really love how it is coming out. It's so cheerful!
Who would've thought I'd ever paint my kitchen orange! But I love it. (It's really "dusted carrot".)
Our little preschool started this week and Kara Daniel's house. She did a darling lesson on shapes and I taught them some songs. It's going to be a lot of fun to do this each week.
Not too thrilled with Max's school teacher. I'm biting my tongue for the moment, but I did talk to the principal and I'm hoping things will improve.

1 comment:

Whacky Wheelers said...

Dusted carrot? You'll have to scan the sample card and put it up on your blog. Miss you guys!