Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Kid Quotes

Sam is thinking about dying this morning. I heard him asking Emily about it this morning before she left for school. I remember the other kids thinking about this a lot at about the same age. Anyway, he came in to talk to me about it, and I talked to him about Heavenly Father's plan, and how he would live a long, long time before that happened, etc. But then he said, "Mom, I'm just going to have too many birthdays and then die!" I guess that's one way of thinking about it. Too many birthdays...and to think I have another one coming up!

This morning while Max was practicing the piano, I would occasionally call in from the kitchen what a note was, or what hand position he needed, etc. After several of my interjections he said, "Mom, I do not need any help here!" Poor kid, it's rough taking lessons from your mother.

We've been working on helping Ginny say her "L" sounds--which she usually pronouces as "w's" So one day I was trying to help her say "leaf" So I said, "Ginny, can you say, L L L Leaf?" She promptly replied, "L L L Weaf!"

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