Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Ginny as a quick change artist

Well, my two year old is driving me nuts! She is in and out of her clothes at least 30 times a day! Swimsuits, dress-ups, Sunday dresses, an occasional reasonable pair of shorts and a t-shirt for all of 5 minutes....sigh! If we have to go anywhere, once I get Ginny dressed, I tell the other kids to hurry and make a break for the van before she can rip her clothes off and insist on dressing up like a princess. I have vague memories of Emily going through this stage. I guess we survived before...speaking of Emily she attended a babysitting class taught by the REd Cross today, and had a really good time. She came home with a sling on her arm--evidence that they practiced some first aid techniques. How grown up she is now!
Sam and Ginny played princess Anika and Prince Aidan all day today--after the Barbie Pegasus movie--which was actually really nice because they kept each other entertained while I caught up on a lot of cleaning. The house was a wreck after I spent all day yesterday sick in bed. feeling much better today.
Tomorrow is my sister Nancy's 33rd birthday. 33! That must mean I'm even older than that! :)

1 comment:

Julie said...

Hey I'm sympathizing right along with you on that one!!! Since it's summer now, they live in their bathing suits so it's a bathing suit and then a princess dress on over that.