Saturday, November 29, 2008

Max's surgery

Max survived his triple surgery this past weekend. All minor things, but scary for him. The worst recovery has been from the tonsillectomy. He wasn't able to eat much at Thanksgiving. He didn't talk much for several days, either. He was brave for the surgery though, he was cracking jokes for the nurses, and said it made him feel better to laugh. The worst part for him, I think was getting in the IV. He has been really quiet this week, which in a way has been very nice.
We had a fun Thanksgiving at Tutu and Papasan's house. Nice to just relax with the family and play silly games, etc.

The next couple of weeks are going to be crazy. Tons of concerts both for me and my kids. We'll have to take it one day at a time.

Also, I will mention that max's two reflections projects were both chosen to go on to the district competition. Emily will be doing her school spelling bee next week.
Max got to perform the song he wrote on the awards night with two other boys from his "band." I think he felt pretty cool performing on his guitar for the first time.

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