Friday, August 24, 2007

finally a blog entry

Haven't updated blog in ages because of the complete chaos in our lives. This summer has been sooooooo stressful, but we're getting through it. Trevor is finishing the last of the school instruments this week and then he will be able to catch up a bit. I shouldn't have to work as many hours in the shop after this week, and will try to catch up on the accounting. Trevor has averaged 70 hour work weeks, and I've worked 20-30 hours each week as well, relying on grandparents, Emily, and friends to help with the kids. I don't know how full-time working parents keep up?! I'm really looking forward to a more normal family life. I'll probably take some students this fall, but am hoping to not take toooooo many because I want to be able to help my own kids after school. It's a lot of work to keep up with 3 kids' homework, practicing, etc.

3 kids in school! Sam started school this week and is so excited about it. He loves it so much, and asks me several times each morning if it is time to go to school yet. We did enroll all 3 kids at the charter school--there has been some drama about that decision, but I'm way too tired to write about it. Sam comes home and gets right to his homework, and has told me several times that he is "smart," and his teacher likes him. I have a few concerns about this school for him, but so far he seems really happy. Max is struggling the most. It was like this for the first month or so in Missouri, too, but then he seemed to settle in. I think he'll be fine after a little more time. Emily has started to mention a few kids by name, so i hope she's starting to make a few friends. I personally am feeling bad because the start of school is usually such a big event, especially the first day of a kindergartener, and I feel like it has really taken a back seat to the stress of the business. I hope they can forgive me for not being fully "mom" at an important time.

We did settle in on a house. It is right down the street from tutu and Papasan's house, and less than a mile from my Dad's place. 4 bedrooms, office, large family room, 3 bathrooms, enclosed yard, laundry room. Reasonable rent. So it should be a nice place for awhile.

Sam celebrated his 6th birthday on Monday. He was so excited to be 6 at last! He asked me if he would be 6 tomorrow, too. I took him out to Mcdonald's for lunch, and we had a family party with grandparents in the evening. He felt special, and it was fun. We're having cake and ice cream with some of his friends at the park this afternoon to finish the celebration. That was as much of a birthday party as I could come up with right now.

Well, the house is a mess, the kids need attention, and there is more work awaiting me than I have time to do, so I better get going.
Maybe one of these days I'll have time to post a few pictures.
But probably not until after we move next Saturday.

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