Saturday, November 11, 2006

today's simple pleasures

Saturday. The best parts of today were:

1. having the whole family fold laundry together without any arguing. Chatting as we worked together. Someone should have taken our picture for the Ensign! These moments don't happen very often...

2. finishing our chores early enough in the day that I spent a lovely hour this afternoon just reading a book.

3. Taking the girls to the library without the boys. Half the kids = less than half the trouble.

4. Curling up on the floor tonight to watch a movie with the kids (My Dog Skip). Ginny of course came to curl up beside me.

5. Watching Sam get teary at the end of the movie.

6. Teasing Max about giving him a haircut. That is one boy who loves his hair!

7. Watching Sam capture all the bad guys in his new Batman costume (after Halloween clearance sales) and musing with TRevor about how sad it will be when we don't have kids in costume anymore.

8. Trevor got his new dresser put together, so now I don't have to look at the old broken one falling apart all over the place.

9. crisp fall air

10. saying hi to Tutu on the phone. Always fun to talk to family.

11. making a new friend. Emily invited a few friends to sleep over last night and one of them is a new girl in our ward. When her mom picked her up, we had a good chat. It's fun to meet someone new.

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