Tuesday, December 13, 2005


This morning as the kids were getting ready for school, I looked at Emily--she was wearing a pretty new pink shirt with her black pants and her hair cute from her new haircut---and I was suddenly just amazed with how beautiful and grown-up she is! How does this happen? It seems like just yesterday that she was sitting in my lap like Ginny is right now. Ginny looks so much like her sister did at the same age that I'm having lots of nostalgic moments. Speaking of Ginny...she's like her sister in other ways, too. Absolutely every time we get in the car, no matter how cold it is, she takes her shoes and socks off! It is just making me crazy! Especially because after she pulls her shoes off she starts to cry about having cold toes. What a varmint!
Ginny is a cutie, though, and gives great hugs. Yesterday she and I had fun dancing in the living room.

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