Saturday, July 10, 2010


Summer...this means a vacation from work, only to do more work! I am helping Trevor with his huge summer load of instruments--cleaned 3 sousaphones and 3 french horns this week. Only about 10 more sousaphones to go! At least I'm building some muscle from all the lifting! I've also been doing a lot of work in preparation for school next year because I'm starting a new job--choir director at Sky View High School. I'll be half-time there and half-time at North Cache 8/9 center.
I'm excited about it! Lots of prep work to happen before school starts though.

When I'm not working, I've been trying to spend a lot of time with the kids. We've been in a pretty good chore and practicing routine--let's hope we can keep it up when school starts! I also have a summer project coming up to just go through the whole house and get rid of stuff! I took the kids to Bear Lake last week with our 4H YFP group. It was really fun to play on the beach and just relax for a few days. The kids enjoyed hanging out with the other youth their ages.

Emily just got back from girls' camp. She survived her 4th year overnight survival hike. She said it wasn't even too bad, so she must have had fun. She's been busy this summer with EFY, camp, Driver's Ed, a teen writer's conference, and working for her Dad. She is the proud owner of a learner's permit--and is doing a good job in learning to drive--we haven't even hit anything yet! :) (knocking on wood...)

Max and Sam have been playing baseball. Sam did a good job in his first year. He played outfield and 2nd base. I think it was a good experience for him. Max has really matured as a player this year. He's been a consistently good hitter, and alternates between 3rd base, catcher, and left field. His team is in the play-offs, they just won their game last night, and will play the next round next Tuesday.

My sister Sandi came up from Texas for a couple of days. It was fun to have a family reunion with all the cousins while they were here and then we went up to 2nd dam with Sandi and Scott. Her two boys are really cute--little Soren is a very jolly baby. He's got the cutest baby chuckles! Mannix had really grown up since the last time they visited. He's about 3 1/2 now.

The 4th of July was super fun! We had a family picnic and then did some small fireworks in our driveway. Trevor took the kids to the Logan City fireworks on Friday night since I was out of town. I had an opportunity to play with the American Festival Chorus and Orchestra on their summer tour up to Sun Valley Idaho. It was fun to play with the orchestra. It's a good group. The guest artist was Peter Cetera from Chicago--"You're the Inspiration!" I had so much fun re-living those old songs from high school.

I think that's about it! One of these days I'll have to see if I have any photos to put up. Ginny lost her top two front teeth, and is very cute right now. I think I do have a few pictures of the kids to dig up.

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