Saturday, September 05, 2009

Sam's Baptism

Sam was baptized today! He was really nervous about it, and excited, too. He looked really handsome in his new white shirt and tie. All of our family that lives in the vicinity came, which was great. We've never been able to have that much family attend a baptism before. The Guthrie cousins came up and all the cousins sang "Baptism" out of the primary book. Papa gave a talk and Grandpa Steve gave a prayer. Trevor baptized and confirmed him with a lovely blessing. Afterward, we had a family dinner over at Tutu and Papasan's house. It was a very nice day.

He celebrate his 8th birthday a couple of weeks ago. We had a little family birthday party with his grandparents and then a week later we had a small party at the park with his friends. He's done lots of celebrating!

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