Okay, so since the last time I really wrote anything, our family has completely been in chaos. The move was really hard on us. My kids have been struggling more than I thought they would, and the charter school thing has been tricky. They really have a lot more homework, and much less time to play and relax in the evening, which doesn't help the psyche around here. We're up late with homework almost every single night, no matter what time we start. I will say that it has gotten better, and the kids are slipping into a routine, but it's still tough. Child number 2 needs more time with friends. There aren't kids his age right on the block, so I have to call to set up play dates, which is tough to make happen very often with everyone's busy schedules. He needs more fun and friends to balance the frustration in his life. I'm adding this as a priority to help improve project peace.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to handle sibling rivalry and power struggles? We've left behind the tough years of babies, diapers, and chasing toddlers, for much more emotionally grueling struggles of kids, tweens and an almost teen.
At the adult session of stake conference this past week, the stake president outlined some concerns, counsel, and promises. The promises were just what I've been praying for: Peace amid worldly turmoil, war, economic recession, and personal struggle. Help from the other side of the veil in raising our families and doing family history work. Peace and help. Just what I pray for daily. I want to lay claim to those promised blessings, so I am really going to do my best to follow his counsel. WE were asked to read the book of MOrmon and mark all the scriptures that speak of Christ. (isn't that all of them?) Prayerfully stretch and increase our temple attendance, and re-center our priorities to be around gospel centered homes. Choose what is best among the good things like Elder Oaks said in conference. The last thing was to choose and fellowship a less active family. That one is more of a challenge because I don't know anyone in this ward yet.
OUr ward here is really nice, but neither Trevor nor I have a calling yet, not even home/visiting teaching. It's hard to really feel like you are a part of things until you have a job. This is part of what I was worried about when we decided to move back to Utah. I guess you sort of feel like they don't really need you here. It's a good feeling to be needed, and feel like you are really helping the ward in whatever calling you have. I've been attending choir, so I guess I've met a few people that way. I suppose we'll just keep trying to meet people and attending meetings and hope they ask us to help sometimes soon. Maybe they don't want to give us a calling because we are renters and won't be in the ward for too long? But we really will probably be here for a couple of years at least. That's longer than we lived in Missouri.
Boy, am I whiny today! I know I just need to buck up. Trevor is working really hard and seems to have a steady flow of instruments that come in for repair. We're figuring things out. I successfully filed our quarterly sales tax reports last week. Small triumph to have figured that out on my own. There are so many details to running a small business! It's hard, both and emotionally and financially. I think in generally things are good, though. People say that it takes at least two years to really have everything running smoothly in a new business. Trevor spent Saturday trying to re-organize the shop. With summer rush, he never really had time to get everything ship-shape, so he wants to improve his organization and thus his efficiency now. This week I need to call a bunch of band directors to schedule visits to their schools.
Last thing....I am officially starting a diet today! All the stress of the move and business are showing up on my waist line. (What waist line?!) Back to regular exercise and counting calories. I'm not going to do anything special other than cut back portion sizes, and skip dessert. I'll try not to eat after 8:00 p.m. too. I'd like to say 7:00, but it's not realistic with our schedule. Pilates, yoga, walking, etc. Wish me luck!