Sunday, October 28, 2007

Back Online!

I'm back! It's been ages since my last blog entry because we moved, and haven't had internet until just a few days ago. It's crazy how much you miss the internet when you don't have it. WE had to remember how to do things the old fashioned way!

We are mostly unpacked now, but a few boxes remain downstairs. The first month or so was really horrendous trying to keep up with regular life things like homework, church activities, after school activities, helping trevor down at the shop, to say nothing of laundry and dishes, amid piles and piles of boxes. it was hard to find anything! Good grief! Now things are better, and we might have to stay in this rental house for an extra year because I don't want to move again for a really, really long time.

Kids are calling. I'll write more later.


The Olsen Clan said...

Missed your blogspot entries. Glad you are back on. We've joined the ranks at:

Kathy said...

Hey Karen, glad to see you back. I miss you guys!