Wednesday, March 21, 2007

ups and downs

I'm in major mood swing mode. Yesterday I was in tears and calling my sister for some emotional support, and today I'm fine. I suppose it is to be expected with all the upheaval of the move and new business. The kids are really out of sorts, too, and we've had lots more time-outs and revocation of privileges than we usually do. Today, though,I'm determined to be more positive with the kids. Max is auditioning for his school talent show today. He's been practicing Sakura, Sakura on his trumpet. I feel like I barely see Emily these days. She disappears into her room when she gets home from school. She and I are watching American Idol together on Tuesday nights, though. I am a little embarrassed to admit that I've become so addicted to American Idol. I've never watched it before a weeks ago, and I was so impressed by this one singer (Melinda) that I really want to see her win. Anyway, Emily and I have been watching it every week. The weather is gorgeous today. It's very up and down. This weekend it snowed, and today it is 65 degrees and sunny. No bites on our house yet. Sigh. I think we need to add the MLS listing. We found a great deal on a suburban for the new business, and bought it last night. Just what we need for the right price. It's a great blessing. The repair trailer will be delivered this weekend!
So things are really happening now. It doesn't seem real.

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