A few little things I've been meaning to write about Ginny before she grows up and these cute things are lost forever. One of my favorite of her little words is "snook" as in past tense for "sneaked". She'll creep into bed with us and say, "I snook up on you!" Another cute ginnyism is that she calls the fridge the "fridger."
Yesterday Emily was sitting at the table eating a grapefruit, and Ginny came up, took a look at what she was eating, and said, "Emily, you're eating the grown-up fruit!"
Also, something cute about Max. Yesterday, at parent teacher conferences, his teacher told me about a darling song he had performed for his class on their talent show day and wondered if it was a song that I had taught him. I didn't know what she was talking about, so she sang a little for me, and said it was the most darling song she'd ever heard. I told her I thought he made it up, which little brother Sam confirmed. Anyway, at home, Max performed it for us, and it really is cute. (Don't tell him I used the word "cute") Sung it complete blues style complete with drum riffs and an improvised solo. Here are the lyrics. I'll see if I can figure out how to upload a recording of it later.
One day I missed the bus....one sad, sad day (drum riff)
I bought some candy...it tasted good, one happy day (more drum)
That day the bus came early, one awesome day (I ate my twix)
Bruiser cruiser red, slug bug blue
Bruiser cruiser red, slug bug blue
Slug Bug red, one happy day.
OoooAAA, oa, oa, ------vocal improvised solo
ONe day I missed the bus-- (drum riff)
One day I missed the bus..... (drum fade)